95th Youth Pledge Day Ceremony at the Grobogan Regency BPS Office. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Grobogan Regency

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95th Youth Pledge Day Ceremony at the Grobogan Regency BPS Office.

95th Youth Pledge Day Ceremony at the Grobogan Regency BPS Office.

October 30, 2023 | Other Activities

Hello data friends, at the Grobogan Regency BPS office yard, Monday 30 October 2023, BPS Grobogan held the 95th Youth Pledge Day Ceremony in 2023 with the theme "Together Advancing Indonesia"

    Youth Pledge Day is one of the historical moments in the journey of the Indonesian nation. On the 95th anniversary of Youth Pledge Day, the Grobogan Regency Central Statistics Agency (BPS) held a special commemoration ceremony. This event was hosted by Mr Imam Wijayanto as the ceremony leader, with Mr Anang Sarwoto S.Si, MM, as Head of BPS Grobogan Regency, acting as the ceremony supervisor. The theme for this ceremony is "Together Advancing Indonesia."

**Meaning of the theme "Together to Develop Indonesia"**

The theme "Together Advancing Indonesia" which was carried at the commemoration of the 95th Youth Pledge Day highlights the importance of cooperation and unity in efforts to advance the nation. The message of this theme reminds us that Indonesia is a diverse nation, with various ethnicities, cultures and religions. However, it is in these differences that Indonesia's strength lies. When we unite and work together, we are able to achieve greater progress for this nation.

The Youth Pledge Day ceremony at the Grobogan Regency BPS Office followed a series of official ceremonies in general. The event began with the raising of the Red and White flag while the national anthem Indonesia Raya was played. This was followed by the reading of the Youth Pledge text which reminded participants of the meaning and significance of the oath.

    The 95th anniversary of Youth Pledge Day is an important moment that reminds us of the history and significance of the struggle of Indonesian youth. The theme "Together Advancing Indonesia" is a call to all Indonesian people, especially the younger generation, to continue to unite and work together in the spirit of love for the country to achieve progress and prosperity for the Indonesian nation. May the spirit of Youth Pledge Day continue to burn in the hearts of every generation of Indonesian youth, and may Indonesia continue to progress and develop in the future.

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