December 14, 2021 | Other Activities
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) as a government agency
that has an obligation in terms of statistical development in Indonesia must of
course be able to contribute to strengthening statistical activities. In
accordance with its vision and mission, one of BPS's obligations is to provide
guidance to K/L/D/I through a sustainable National Statistics System (SSN),
including up to the village level. One of the innovations carried out by BPS in
2021 is the Sector Statistics Development program for the Cinta Statistik
Village (Desa Cantik). The beautiful village program is expected to be a
solution so that the village has a good, neat and sustainable database.
The Beautiful Village Program aims to improve the competence
of village officials in data management and utilization, so that village
development planning can be more targeted. The Beautiful Village Program was
started by BPS in February 2021 for 100 selected villages in Indonesia. In
Wonosobo Regency, there are 5 villages that are the sample of 100 Beautiful
Villages, one of which is Maduretno Village. So that makes our reference, the
BPS of Grobogan Regency to conduct a comparative review to the BPS of Wonosobo
Regency as the builder of this beautiful village.
BPS Wonosobo Regency, as an Integrity Zone development area
towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) has a comfortable, clean, neat and
beautiful office environment with flowers in every corner of the room. It is
also equipped with a breastfeeding corner room, a children's play area and so
on. Various innovations have also been carried out including MAMI (Partner
Management) and CARICA (Quick Information Search) innovations.
The realization of the Beautiful Village of Maduretno
Village, Kalikajar District, Wonosobo Regency began with many requests for data
to the Village which had to be fast and up to date, so the idea emerged to
create a neat, up to date, quick database to be shared and used. The importance
of commitment from the village head and the existence of village partnerships
in realizing sustainable development. Because, village development will not
succeed optimally without the involvement of the relevant parties. In the
implementation of Beautiful Village, Maduretno Village always coordinates with
the Statistics Trustees, namely BPS Wonosobo Regency.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Grobogan (Statistics of Grobogan Regency)Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 6 Purwodadi 58111 Telp/Fax : (0292) 421167 Mailbox :