July 1, 2020 | BPS Activities
The officer Briefing was held to provide an explanation and a similar understanding of data collection activities for the officers who will conduct the survey field of the inter-regional trade (PAW) and the Domestic Trade Survey (PDN) 2020 in Grobogan district. All officers on the survey activities are organic BPS Grobogan district. Located in the hall of BPS Grobogan District by implementing Health Protocol recommendation
The trading distribution pattern has an important role in the community economy. The distribution pattern depicts a series of shifting lines of goods ranging from producers to end consumers in a particular region. The efficient distribution pattern capable of moving an item from the manufacturer to the consumer at a possible cost, so as to provide a fair share of the overall price paid accompanied by the price of goods that are affordable for the end consumer. The distribution pattern of trade material needs of the community in Indonesia is currently suspected of still problematic. This is seen from the fluctuation and disparity in the price of staple goods between regions is quite high.
The availability and needs of commodities in every province in different provinces and the fluctuations and disparity in the price of staple goods between regions high enough to be the driving factor of inter-region trade. In addition, there is currently no data available describing the inter-region trade. Therefore, in 2020 the Statistical Central Board (BPS) held an inter-regional trade Survey (PAW) in 2020. The results of this activity are expected to be used as an effort to obtain an overview of trade maps between regions, in which case the boundary of the region used is the provincial level, as a reference to the construction of a more efficient trade distribution system.
In addition to the briefing of the two survey activities on the same
occasion also submitted the material to survey other activities such as tourism
surveys, market upadate and UMB KBLI trading update 47. Hopefully with the
supply briefing, the officer is expected to understand the concept and
definition and produce data according to field.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Grobogan (Statistics of Grobogan Regency)Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 6 Purwodadi 58111 Telp/Fax : (0292) 421167 Mailbox : bps3315@bps.go.id