Hello Data Friends..
Have you ever known what a K-3 Survey is?
Yup!!! That's right...K-3 Survey is the more familiar 'name' for the Village Government Financial Statistics Survey. This survey is an activity to collect data on the realization of the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBDes) which can provide an overview of the village's capacity for development.
What is the importance of this K-3 Survey?
1. As material in preparing economic balance sheets both at the regional and national levels.
2. Provide an overview of the realization of the Village Revenue Budget.
3. To determine the potential and role of funding sources from each village.
4. As information for the Central Government, Provincial Government, and Regency/City Regional Government to determine the type and amount of development assistance for each subordinate region.
Data collection for the K-3 Survey is already underway, Sobat Data, and will be implemented until July 2024. BPS Grobogan Regency obtained a sample of 32 villages involving officers consisting of 7 PCLs and 4 PMLs.
During the day it feels hot
On the way to Klitikan Village
Always keep your spirits up fellow officers
Thank you for the dedication you have given