Briefing on Preparation for Repairing Anomalies from ST2023 Processing Results - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Grobogan Regency

Publication of Complete Enumeration Results for the 2023 Agricultural Census Phase I can be downloaded here. || To obtain BPS data, the Grobogan Regency BPS Integrated Statistics Service can be visited every working day from 08.00 to 15.30 WIB. || Online Services for Integrated Statistics Services can be done via email with the subject Data Request. || Grobogan Regency BPS now comes with the mygrobogan application. An application that provides strategic and sectoral data for Grobogan Regency. This application is expected to make it easier for data users to access and fulfill data needs. Link:

Briefing on Preparation for Repairing Anomalies from ST2023 Processing Results

Briefing on Preparation for Repairing Anomalies from ST2023 Processing Results

October 13, 2023 | Other Activities

Briefing on Preparation for Repairing Anomalies from ST2023 Processing Results
On October 13 2023, at BPS Grobogan Regency, Mr. Anang Sarwoto S.Si, MM, as Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Grobogan Regency, led an important briefing in preparation for correcting anomalies in the results of processing the 2023 Agricultural Census. This event was a step strategic in ensuring the integrity and accuracy of agricultural data which is very important for planning and developing the agricultural sector in Indonesia and in the Grobogan region in particular.
Opening by Mr. Anang Sarwoto S.Si, MM
Mr. Anang Sarwoto S.Si, MM, as Head of BPS Grobogan Regency, opened the briefing event with his speech full of enthusiasm and determination to ensure the success of the 2023 Agricultural Census. He underlined the important role of BPS in collecting and processing agricultural data as a basis for development planning in Indonesia and in the Grobogan area in particular. In his speech, Mr. Anang Sarwoto S.Si, MM conveyed the importance of overcoming anomalies and errors that may occur during data processing, and he emphasized that transparency and accuracy must be maintained as best as possible.
Processing Partner Participation
This briefing event was attended by 90 processing partners from various sub-districts in Grobogan Regency. These processing partners are an integral part of the anomaly repair process, because they are the parties closest to the data in the field. They are given the opportunity to share their experiences and input, which will become the basis for further steps for improvement.
During the event, processing partners are provided with a deeper understanding of the purpose of the briefing, the methods that will be used to detect anomalies, and the procedures that must be followed to report and correct problematic data. It is hoped that good collaboration between BPS and processing partners will produce more accurate and useful results in agricultural planning and development in Grobogan Regency.
In preparation for correcting anomalies resulting from ST2023 processing, Grobogan Regency has demonstrated a high commitment to ensuring that the agricultural data obtained through the 2023 Agricultural Census is accurate and reliable. With guidance from Mr. Anang Sarwoto S.Si, MM, and insight from Mr. Bambang Sudiyanto SST, M.M (Head of the 2023 Agricultural Census implementation team), and Mrs. Anis Dina Mustikasari SST (Head of the 2023 Agricultural Census technical and field management team), It is hoped that Grobogan Regency will have a strong data base to support sustainable growth and development of the agricultural sector.
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