Start the month with a big meal - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Grobogan Regency

Grobogan Regency BPS now comes with the mygrobogan application. An application that provides strategic and sectoral data for Grobogan Regency. This application is expected to make it easier for data users to access and fulfill data needs. Link:

Grobogan Regency BPS Data Online Service, please click NONA SITA (NOmor LayaNAn InformaSI dan DaTA)

Publication of Complete Enumeration Results for the 2023 Agricultural Census Phase I can be downloaded here. || To obtain BPS data, the Grobogan Regency BPS Integrated Statistics Service can be visited every working day from 08.00 to 15.30 WIB. || Online Services for Integrated Statistics Services can be done via email with the subject Data Request. ||

Start the month with a big meal

Start the month with a big meal

August 1, 2023 | Other Activities

With banana leaves as a place to eat together, almost all BPS Grobogan employees gathered together for lunch together in the corridor of the Grobogan district BPS office.
This event is a form of togetherness and gratitude for all BPS employees in the Grobogan district for being able to complete the 2023 Agricultural Census field activities smoothly and on time.
This joint lunch activity was held with the togetherness and participation of BPS Grobogan district employees themselves. With a simple menu, the most important thing is that the job has been done well, and health is always given
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