Grobogan Regency BPS now comes with the mygrobogan application. An application that provides strategic and sectoral data for Grobogan Regency. This application is expected to make it easier for data users to access and fulfill data needs. Link:
Publication of Complete Enumeration Results for the 2023 Agricultural Census Phase I can be downloaded here. || To obtain BPS data, the Grobogan Regency BPS Integrated Statistics Service can be visited every working day from 08.00 to 15.30 WIB. || Online Services for Integrated Statistics Services can be done via email with the subject Data Request. ||
Rapid Test Calon Petugas Susenas MSBP 2021
September 14, 2021 | BPS Activities
Pada Selasa, 14 September 2021 bertempat di Kantor BPS Grobogan dilaksanakan rapid test antigen calon petugas Susenas MSBP 2021. Kegiatan rapid test bertujuan memastikan kesehatan petugas sebelum pelaksanaan kegiatan lapangan Susenas MSBP 2021.
Rapid test diikuti oleh 18 peserta yang terdiri dari 12 PCL dan 6 PML. Petugas berasal dari organik BPS Grobogan dan mitra statistik.
Selamat bertugas para pejuang, semoga menghasilkan data sosial ekonomi berkualitas untuk Indonesia Maju!
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Grobogan (Statistics of Grobogan Regency)Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 6 Purwodadi 58111 Telp/Fax : (0292) 421167 Mailbox :