Briefing Formation block Sensus2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Grobogan Regency

Grobogan Regency BPS now comes with the mygrobogan application. An application that provides strategic and sectoral data for Grobogan Regency. This application is expected to make it easier for data users to access and fulfill data needs. Link:

Grobogan Regency BPS Data Online Service, please click NONA SITA (NOmor LayaNAn InformaSI dan DaTA)

Publication of Complete Enumeration Results for the 2023 Agricultural Census Phase I can be downloaded here. || To obtain BPS data, the Grobogan Regency BPS Integrated Statistics Service can be visited every working day from 08.00 to 15.30 WIB. || Online Services for Integrated Statistics Services can be done via email with the subject Data Request. ||

Briefing Formation block Sensus2020

Briefing Formation block Sensus2020

July 14, 2020 | Other Activities

Pandemic COVID-19 which is currently struck by several countries around the world including Indonesia, requires citizens to do social and physical distancing. This is also an impact on the travel activities of the service so that the training is done online. One of the activities affected was the establishment of the 2020 Census block formation. The Census block (BS) map which is used as a cluster for several activities in BPS is important so that training is needed. On Friday, May 15, 2020, BPS Grobogan conducted the training of Census Block formation 2020 (BS2020) held virtually. Training is done using  Zoom media and Google Classroom

On that occasion, Drs. Syafi'i Nur, M.Si as head of BPS District Grobogan gave briefings as well as opening the training event. Shafi'i explained that the implementation of this virtual training was forced due to pandemic that occurred in Indonesia even in the world. This was done in order to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus in accordance with government recommendations. The implementation of the 2020 Census block formation training was followed by as many as 11 participants with details of 1 person as an instructor, and 10 people as the officers of the Census block.

In this training, the day is divided into 4 sessions, namely session 1 and 3 in face-to-face via Zoom, and Sessions 2 and 4 are self-taught through Google Classroom. On this occasion, Aris Khariri, S.ST as the regional instructor who is also the head of the section IPDS BPS, Grobogan District said that the end result of the establishment of this region is the census block map which will be used on BPS activities for the next 10 years, therefore, it is expected that each participant can understand the whole process or step

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