November 18, 2019 | Other Activities
Coaching and workshop team for BPS website update Grobogan Regency, 18 November 2019.
Guided by Ibu Indah Purnamasari, staff of the Dissemination and Statistics Services section, BPS in Central Java Province, the BPS website for the Grobogan Regency update team began on November 18, 2019 to receive material about updating the contents and contents of the Grobogan Regency BPS website. The material presented contains about adding content and improving content. There are things that are emphasized in this coaching, namely the content about publication, the Official Gazette of Statistics, the static and Dynamic Tables as well as the content about News which is currently being carried out by BPS Grobogan Regency.
The website update team consisted of representatives from each section in the Grobogan regency BPS namely, the Production Stat Section, Mrs. Anis Dina, the Social Statistics Section, Neti Ariyanti, the Distribution Statistics Section, Rukini, the Nerwilis section, Mr. Kholid Ali, the Subsection, Mrs. Khani Fatur R, and from the IPDS section. It is hoped that all website administrators can make improvements and add content and content to BPS Grobogan district's website.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Grobogan (Statistics of Grobogan Regency)Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 6 Purwodadi 58111 Telp/Fax : (0292) 421167 Mailbox :